Sunday, July 5, 2009

Our wedding rings

We decided to get married in the Marshall Island, on November 18th 2000. Majuro, one of the islands of the Marshalls, doesn’t have a big selection of retail stores. They have two general, grocery stores and a clothing store. We needed wedding rings so we went to Gibson’s general store. There we found two metal rings for 99 cents each. They had cool design on it, like a sun, and were adjustable. We opened Bill’s as much as we could without breaking it but still it was quite hard to put on. So just before the ceremony Bill put some Vaseline around his ring finger to make it easier for me. It did the trick for the ceremony but was tight and it took some effort to remove it. We kept both of them safely in a little box as mine was giving me black marks on my finger. Once we arrived in Guam, in January 2001, we found a jeweler that could reproduce our cheap rings with some real metal. Bill’s is made with yellow gold and mine with white. We used the gold that Bill’s brother, Don, had given him before he left sailing. Don had been doing some gold mining in Alaska where he still is. Bill had kept the vile preciously for the right occasion. Our rings are made of adventures just like us!


Saturday, May 16, 2009

The galley

Here is Thelma's galley where we cooked many good meals and loafs of bread (from 1998 to 2001). Cooking was a little tricky during passages as the boat was rocking and rolling.

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